19 October

Portrait: Becca and Mike. Visit To Bedlam.

by Jon Katz
Becca and Mike
Becca and Mike

Becca Addy, and now Mike, are special to us, and they graced us with a visit to the farm, interrupting their vacation to meet us.

This is one of those curious new world stories, a new kind of friendship. Becca and Maria and I have known one another for years and until today, we never met. She has a lovely blog called Becca’s Event Horizon: Re-Inventing Life One Step At A Time.

We have much in common. Becca and Maria have been communicating online for years, Mike came into her life a little over a year ago, her blog name became a prophesy.

Becca had much pain and loneliness in her life a few years, she was inspired by Maria’s blog to start her own, and then began taking photos and has become a classy photographer. They found one another online. They clicked with each other.

Mike is retired, and the two of them have greatly brightened the lives of one another.

Mike is a sweet and open man, they bought me lunch at the Round House Cafe and then came over to the farm to meet the animals and hang out for awhile. Mike is a veteran and has a therapy dog, a boxer, to help him cope with some trauma. It was striking to see Red sense Mike’s sensitivity and sit by his side all afternoon.

These two are rabid animal lovers, Becca works for UPS but pet sits on the side. I imagine one day that will be her full time work. Maria and I connected with these two, they are both quiet and shy, perhaps in comparison with us, but we felt completely ease. We spent several hours with them and were sorry to see them go.

When they left, we talked about how much we liked Mike, and how impressed we were with the way in which Becca – she is a co-administrator of the Creative Group At Bedlam Farm – has changed her life, and re-invented it in just the way she wanted to. Her photographs are very special. She has a lot of soul.

Maria was especially excited to meet her, so was I.

Becca is an inspiration to us, and another testament to the idea that online friendships can be very real if people work at it and are open to it.

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