16 November

New Hat Of My Dreams

by Jon Katz
Hat Of My Dreams
Hat Of My Dreams

Maria came home from her weekly lunch with the Good Witches with a surprise for me, a heat she bought at Over The Moon, the eclectic beat and socks and “cool stuff” shop on Main Street run by Heather Mitchell. I love this winter cap, it is colorful and warm and I have been looking for one just like it for years.

It has a reinforced band across the bottom to keep it from stretching so much it flops down over the eyes, and it has been on my head all day and will be there for most of the winter. It looks good on ourĀ  garden head too. Hats matter, especially up here. Between this hat and my socks, I am a color riot. I’m not giving up the blue shirts or jeans though, even though I am under pressure to be more colorful. As I get older, there are limits to how colorful I ought to be.

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