22 November

Portrait: Dominick Is Sly

by Jon Katz
Dominick Is Shy
Dominick Is Shy

Dominick is loosening up, he was a bit grim when he first came to the Round House, he rarely smiled or came out of the kitchen, unless it was to smoke outside. He is a chef at the Round House know, he seems at ease in the kitchen, and has no trouble tormenting me. When I called today, he saw my name coming into the phone, and answered the call “Chinese Wok.” I was not fooled.

I would try and retaliate, but he always has his headphones stuck in his ears. Dominick has many schemes about what he wants to do in his life, I brought him the biography of Ulysses Grand, which I think will inspire and entertain him. It is a big book, and Dom balanced when he saw it, he wondered if he would have time. If he starts reading it, he will get hooked, there are definitely parallel’s between his life and Grant’s.

Dominick is having fun, and he is fun to be around. When I first started taking his picture, he was grim. Not any more. He is coming to life. He makes a pretty great sandwich too.

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