23 November

What Is Fate Trying To Tell Me? Listening To Animals…

by Jon Katz
What is Fate Trying To Tell Me?
What is Fate Trying To Tell Me?

Once or twice in an evening, Fate will come over to me, climb up on my footstool and stare intently into my eyes. She can hold this gaze for a long time, and dogs don’t always like to make eye contact, it is sometimes a sign of challenge or aggression to them.

Fate does want something, and I have just written a book about communicating with animals. I looked at her, her body language, the context of her visit. She looked from me to the door, and I had the sense she was asking meĀ  to take her out to work, or to draw my attention to the door in the hope that I would go out.

Every time I stand up, Fate looks at my shoes and rushes to the door. There is an intensity about her look that suggests work to me, an eagerness and excitement. I follow her eyes and I know she hopes she can get outside, she loves to lie down near the gate and wait for me or for Maria.

I think it is as simple as that. Working animals love to work, none more passionately or obsessively than border collies. Fate is telling me she wants to go to work.

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