11 December

Crafty Fate: Waiting To Pounce On Red

by Jon Katz
Crafty Fate

Fate shows little or no interest in herding sheep, but she loves to hide around corners and rocks so she can spring out and pounce when Red comes running by on his outruns or pursuit of the sheep. Fate thinks herself quite clever, even though Red has never once been rattled or unnerved by Fate’s sudden appearances, or even appeared to notice them.

And Fate works hard at it, she is always finding new and ingenious places to hide, and as Red roars past, she springs out in front of him. Without skipping a beat, he jumps right over her or runs right around her, he doesn’t get that he’s supposed to be startled and thrown off strike.

It would be nice if Fate applied this energy and craftiness to herding sheep, but we must all play the hands we are dealt, and Fate would rather spring out and pounce on Red than do almost anything in the world. I keep telling her she is lucky to be living with a dog like Red, I know some border collies – Rose comes to my mind – that would not be so gracious about being pounced on.

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