13 December

A Is For Harried Parents Who Need To Laugh

by Jon Katz


A Is For Parents

I’ve been proud to know Rachel “Ma” Barlow for more than five years, she is an artist and writer who has been in my writing class that long and survived to tell the tale. She is such a pleasure to teach, she is gifted in so many ways. She paints and sketches and writes with great insight and humor.

She has a wonderful and popular blog.

She has just published a new book, available on her website and also on Amazon, called “A is for All-Nighter,” and I can tell you with certainty that this will make a wonderful  gift for harried parents everywhere, especially those that need to laugh. Rachel  writes often about parenting, but her work is never sappy.

She tells the truth with great humor and wisdom, and she is a fierce supporter of Mother Earth and the environment. I call her the sustainable Erma Bombeck. The book is selling for $12.99 and is available from Battenkill Books. Rachel will be pleased to sign and personalize any books sold there.

This book is a lovely gifted from a very talented writer and artist. Check it out, and thanks.

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