22 December

Portrait: Christmas Spirit

by Jon Katz
Christmas Spirit

The Christmas Spirit has descended on Bedlam Farm today, Maria strung all kinds of lights around the porch and the living room. Our gargoyle may look cynical but he is actually quite generous and he is ferocious about keeping evil spirits away. Good news from the Mansion, they are giving me a list of first names of all of the residents, which many of you have asked for, and you can send messages to any or all of them. Friday night, we are all going to put your gifts under the tree – everyone will now have a present and thank you.

Maria and I are planning a quiet Christmas, home together. We might go see La-La Land or we might just hang around and be grateful. I am eager to see this movie. Christmas is important, it will set the tone for next year, which will be challenging on many levels. I want to set off on the right foot.

Next week, we are going to Brooklyn to see daughter and grandchild for two days. The following week, are going to a nearby motel for one day just to have fun and quiet. I want to enter the new year with hope and energy and commitment and openness. And hopefully lots of love.

This afternoon, off to the Mansion to get the list of names and do a video or two to share with you. The Mansion is all about the spirit of Christmas, which so many of you possess. Bedlam Farm is getting lit.

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