25 December

Merry Christmas

by Jon Katz
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you from Bedlam Farm. For those of you who celebrate this day with family and in joy and peace, many blessings. To those who find the holidays difficult and sometimes sad, peace and compassion to you. Here at the farm, a quiet day.

Maria and I will celebrate our love and life together, share our day with the animals. This morning, we (and Red) will go to the Mansion to say hello to those left behind today, with no families or places to go. This afternoon, we hope to go see our friends the Gulleys, who are hard at work on their dairy farm, as usual.

Tonight, a quiet meal at home.  Finally, Scott and Lisa Corrino took a day off, the Round House Cafe is closed.

This week will be a quiet week, we are going to New York City Tuesday and Wednesday to see my daughter and her family in Brooklyn. I hope to write another chapter in my book “Lessons From Bedlam Farm.” There sure are a lot of lessons.

Christmas is a strange holiday for me. My Jewish immigrant family celebrated Christmas, perhaps in an effort to feel American. I a not a Christian, but I celebrate Christmas in an effort to locate and find the spirit of Christ, which is, to me, about love and empathy and caring for the less fortunate.

Maria and i got up early to feed the animals, now we will exchange some gifts. How lucky I am, and how grateful I am to have her and this new kind of community around me, an Army Of Good. I think my Christmas was defined by your generosity to the residents of the Mansion. That has made it one of the most meaningful Christmases ever for me.

I will be checking in later. I wish for you a loving and meaningful day.

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