3 February

The Before India Quilt: She’s Getting Excited.

by Jon Katz

Maria’s trip to India is nine days away, and she’s getting excited. Inspired by some fabric from India, she made a new quilt that she calls the “Before India” quilt, the last thing she expects to make before she leaves for Kolkata next Sunday to teach the victims of sex trafficking how to make potholders and other fiber art.

I think it was the elephants on the fabric that gave her the idea for this quilt, but she explains that herself in this video, with the assistance of Fate, who always wants to be a part of everything. Fate is a Studio Dog now, as well as a sheep dog.

Maria says she is past the “warnings” stage where everyone is warning her about water and food and just into the excitement of it, I’ve never seen her so excited and eager. I am planning a series of wild barn parties when she goes, and drunken evenings at the Bog bar. Kelly says she’ll make sure I get home safely.

(More likely, I’ll be sitting on Ed Gulley’s Meditation Bench).

This video was great fun to make, I hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Maria’s quilt will go on sale soon for $400 plus shipping, her e-mail is [email protected], you can also see it on her blog.

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