10 February

New Home For The Meditation Bench. Our Woods.

by Jon Katz
The Meditation Bench

We have a new home for the meditation bench, and it is pretty wonderful. Two weeks ago, Ed Gulley came over and built a wooden plank bridge over the stream that blocked access to our woods. We are out there every day now, exploring it discovering old stone walls.

(The Gulley’s are mulling it, but I am planning to support a gofundme page to help them buy a badly needed new computer, their farming blog has become so important to the future of family farms. Farmers are never good at getting their message out, Ed and Carol are doing it brilliantly. I will ask for some help in supporting the Bejosh Farm Journal. Blogs cost money, dairy farmers don’t have any.  They are not easy about asking for assistance, but they deserve it and will put it to good use. More details to come.)

Ed also built a meditation bench, and yesterday, Maria moved it over to the waterfall, so we could sit there and hear the wonderful sound of the rushing stream. I will go out there with the dogs every day that she is in India, wishing her well, thinking of her, feeling the joy and wonder of solitude and the power of love.

This will be part of my Peaceful Hour, the hour late in the day where I shut out the world. I think this is a wonderful spot for peace and reflection.

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