20 February

Portrait: The Treasure Of Treasure

by Jon Katz
Treasure’s Treasure

I think Treasure Wilkerson is one of those animal angels who emanate love and affection.

It’s always been interested to me to see that sometimes, the people who have been the most abused are the most loving people.

She called and asked if she could come over, and she is always welcome here, she brings the light with her.  I just smile when I see her.

This is shaping up as a beautiful day, I love the letters and photos of Maria, my computer is back and up and running, and Treasure showed up with a huge box of vegetables.

We’re doing some bartering, some farm chores for helping her take a trip to see her family. Good deal.

Chloe was practically sitting in her lap eating carrots and greens, and even the sheep got some things to eat. She cooed and cuddled with the donkeys, who were quite charmed. She decided to feed the animals and she talked to each one. She handled Fate quite easily and comfortably.

I have to say I love Treasure, like Maria she has the biggest heart and she is a free spirit, living her life as she wants, making her Native American totems and charms. I am happy to have her around and in the fascinating swirl of the farm. She doesn’t bother to wear a jacket unless it’s snowing.

Up here, the locals have a saying about people they like: He or she is good people. Treasure is good people, a treasure.

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