26 February

On The Way

by Jon Katz
On The Way

Maria is on the way home, a mildly dramatic finish to a very dramatic trip. Triple A finally showed up, she got the car started, it seems like the emergency brake was frozen (she did drive through a blizzard to get to Boston two weeks ago and the car has been sitting idle for two weeks).

The social media battalions checked in and said they wanted her to stay in Boston for a night, but fat chance. I knew she was getting home, and I also know not to tell Maria what do, it is never turns out well. My own prediction – she will be home by 2 p.m.- looks good.

She slept many hours on the plane and seems rested and feisty, I will take good care of her. The only question is whether she’ll say hello to me first or the donkeys.

This has been an amazingly exciting and important trip for Maria, and I am nothing but thrilled about it. Traveling on a journey like this involves bumps and surprises, that is a part of it. In India she learned again and again that nothing moves in a straight line, there are ups and downs, bumps and surprises.

What she really learned, I think, was how strong and resilient she is, something I know but she isn’t always sure of. When she called about the car troubles, I felt badly for her, but I never doubted she would be home soon. How neat. More later.

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