6 April

Queen Of The Woods

by Jon Katz
Queen Of The Woods

Like almost all of the animals who live her, Fate loves to pose for pictures. The animals, with their superior instincts, seem to sense it is something I need for them to do and perhaps they sense my approval when they do it. I always have a camera on me, I am always looking for a photo, my photo muse is always hungry.

In the woods, there is an old wall with an opening, and I point to it sometimes and say “up,” and Fate, who is the smartest dog I have ever had, hops right up and turns to look right into the camera. She knows, I think, she knows. She looks great up there, the queen of the woods. And then, when I turn away she tears off into the woods after a chipmunk, or a smell, or a stick to grab.

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