9 April

Raging Waters

by Jon Katz
Under Water

Red started to charge over the Gulley Memorial Bridge, but then thought better of it. Smart dog. The water level is just beginning to recede, we should be able to cross over it in a day or two. I think it held up well, thanks to Ed Gulley. Half of our pasture is still flooded, and I don’t know if there is any damage to our fences or not.

We’ll know that later. This morning, raking out our gardens. This afternoon, going over to Rachel Barlow’s house in Vermont to help her assemble the 80 or 90 art kits we are taking to RISSE, the refugee and immigration assistance center in Albany. I think they’ll be quite happy to get them.

Rachel and I wlll bring them to RISSE Monday afternoon, I have to go into Albany to do an interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) on behalf of Talking To Animals, which is coming out in three weeks. (You can pre-order the book through Battenkill Books online or on the phone and I will sign and personalize it and they will send you a free classy tote-bag. There are 400 bags left.)

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