21 May

Dominick And Scott At The Farmer’s Market

by Jon Katz
Dominick And Scott

Dominick Becker and Scott Carrino, two good friends, brought their quite excellent pizza skills to the town farmer’s market today. The Round House Cafe is moving to nearby Hubbard Hall and will have a “soft” opening in a week or so. It is a beautiful, historic and imaginative space.

Scott plans to move his wood-fired ovens to the market over the summer. We miss the Round House, we are looking forward to the grand-re-opening.

Scott is so exhausted I hesitate to photograph him, he is working long and hard hours day and night seven days a week to make the move and he looks exhausted. He doesn’t sleep much.

He and Dominick are an awesome pizza-making machine, we got a white pizza with arrugula and eggplant to take home.

The Round House pizzas are going to play a big part in the refugee kid visits coming to Bedlam Farm this summer. That would make a great lunch. I am so excited about those visits. For those asking if we need help with them, thanks but I think not. We are not charging for the visits, and I don’t expect we will be spending any money beyond some food.

I asked Dom if he was letting his hair grow longer, but he denied it. My photo album suggests otherwise. The two of them work seamlessly together, and the Round House pizzas are gaining a big fan club around here.

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