30 May

The Liberation Of Exhaustion

by Jon Katz
Donald Trump Has Been A Gift To Me: Buttercups in the meadow

It has always been this way for me, I work until I get sick or someone tells me I am exhausted, and then I crash for a bit.

Today, I went to see a friend, a healer, and she asked me how I was, and I was surprised to say I was exhausted, which she noticed. I have been working hard every day all day for months, writing, taking photos, blogging, working on my new book, pushing my current book.

And Robin passed along her fever on her happy visit. I have a good fever and am bleary and fuzzy. And exhausted. Maria agrees. I am getting into bed and drinking a lot of night cough medicine. I long ago used up my codeine cough medicine and do not dare ask for anymore – I was a valium addict for decades.

Maria is cooking up some chicken soup for me, I am surrendering to the liberation of exhaustion. There are lots of things going on her – grandkid visit, refugee kids, Mansion residents, immigrants, Red’s illness, the farm, writing, etc. This weekend was epic, I’m done for a bit.

I laughed when my friend reminded me of my open heart surgery and the need to rest sometimes, and I am no hero, no brave man, but I just never see myself in that way. My heart and I are good friends, but my body whispered in my ear that she was right, and so was Maria. Time to listen and get to bed. See you in the morning.

It feels wonderful to let go sometimes, it is the key to a spiritual center. Thanks for being there.

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