3 June

I Must Say I Like Bright Colors. Bedlam Farm Notebook. Wonder Woman!

by Jon Katz
I Must Say

“I must say I like bright colors,” Winston Churchill. “I cannot pretend to feel impartial about the colours. I rejoice with the brilliant ones, and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns.”

Me too. I rejoice with the brilliant ones, and feel badly about the browns and greys.

Some notes from Bedlam.

-The final planning for the Pompanuck retreat for the RISSE soccer team is underway. The retreat will be at the end of June and Ali and I are lining up the scheduled. There will be a campfire outdoors every night. Maria is leading hikes out into the forest. I’m cooking and reading scary stories at night.

We will have classes on art, handling stress, and story-telling. I hope to get each one of these kids to tell a story about themselves. We are excited.

-My cold is fading, and looks like I can skip the anti-biotics.

-This morning is the last class of the season for my writing workshop. If they students are game, I’m up for resuming it in the Fall. It is a wonderful class and group of people.

– Wonder Woman is much on my mind, and Maria’s. We are going to see it this afternoon. I love everything I have heard about it, hope it meets expectations. I live with a Wonder Woman, this will hit close to home. Maria is much into Goddesses, and I think this is a Goddess movie.

-Maria is planning a re-design of the kitchen. Yellow cabinets, white walls, blue trim. A Frieda Kahlo kitchen.


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