8 June

Good Morning From The Tin Man

by Jon Katz
Good Morning Tin Man

I’m still surprised every time I see the Tin Man sitting out in front of the road, beckoning passersby to our Open House, which runs Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.I know most of the people  reading this life too far away to come, but I will share as much of it as I can.

The Open  House is a reflection of my life with Maria and our work together t support creativity in all its many incarnations. The Tin Man came right out of the very interesting psyche of Ed Gulley, a dairy farmer and farm and junk artist. He loves the Tin Man character and talks to his Tin Man all the time.

Ed is charging $750 for The Tin Man, I think he will sell it, but it might take awhile, and I think he would hate to part with it, to be honest. He floated the idea of renting it to us for awhile, I like the idea of the Tin Man as a symbol of the new Bedlam Farm. It works as well as a border collie.

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