9 June

Scrambling For The Open House

by Jon Katz
Getting Ready: Ed Gulley’ turtle.

We are scrambling madly for the Open House. I got up early to move the back lawn – with all of the rain the grass is sprouting up every day. The forecast is good,  warm-ish but not hot, cloudy but little or no rain. Some friends from the Creative Group At Bedlam Farm are coming to the farm this afternoon, and they are precious friends and Maria and I are excited to see them.

They are coming early to hang out and see the animals. Sort of an annual tradition.

We are moving stuff around, hauling out the art and labeling it, scouring the ground for debris, getting bottles of water. Tomorrow, the RISSE Soccer Team is coming to visit, sing and have lunch at the New Round House Cafe.

I have a surprise for them. A van from the Mansion is coming, Ed Gulley is bringing Silly Sally, the cow, Red and Fate are tuning up their herding moves, we got salad to eat for the next few days, and I have a wonderful pal, Cathy Stewart, coming up from New York City to help me manage the traffic and crowds and books an schedule.

The Open Houses have evolved into a quiet, low-key nourishing thing. We are happy to do them, but there are a million things to work out, including my imminent run to the chiropractor, my back is complaining already.

Maria is holed up in her studio making labels, moving things around, getting organized. This is an important weekend for her, and I am never more proud of her than when I see all of her gorgeous art – hers and others – all present so beautifully in the studio. Lots of people are asking if we can stream or broadcast the Open House on the blog, but I don’t feel good about that, but we will share it will you all as best we can.

Much love to you.

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