28 July

The Granddaughter Cometh

by Jon Katz
The Granddaughter Cometh

Robin and Emma and Jay arrived Friday night, around dinnertime she was in a great and beaming mood, as usual, dancing and singing and standing up a bit. Fate and Gus were beside themselves climbing over her and greeting and loving her. They are leaving early tomorrow, Jay (Jaffe) has a new book out – The Cooperstown Casebook – and he is signing it and talking about it at the Baseball Hall Of Fame In Cooperstown, N.Y., two hours from here.

It will be a short visit (no videos from me), we brought in some pizza from the Round House Cafe, and fresh corn from the Moses Farm Stand and Apple Walnut pie from Yushak’s Deli in Shushan, N.Y.

Everybody is wiped, Robin is already in bed, I’m heading there soon. I’ve been getting up at 4 a.m. to work on my book.

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