29 July

Pushing Fate Around

by Jon Katz
Pushing Fate Around

Maria and i cannot believe how gentle Fate is with Gus, how she lets him climb all over her, pushes her to the ground, grabs her collar and tries to pull her around, pulls toys and treats right out of her mouth. The two seem to adore one another, and Fate has helped the feisty Gus grow confident and strong.

It is true, I see, that small dogs have no idea they are small. Boston Terriers are terriers, after all, and  ratters. Surviving Fate is great basic training for a farm dog, but here, Fate’s enduring sweetness comes out. She is too sweet to push sheep around, too  sweet to push Gus around, unless that is, he looks away from his treat or rawhide flip for a second, and Fate steals it out from under his trusting nose.

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