29 November

Sunrise With Lenore And Rose

by Jon Katz
Sunrise With Lenore And Red

I remember taking this photograph it was one of the first I took when I started to get serious about photography at Bedlam Farm. Two remarkable dogs, Lenore and Rose, sitting in the beautiful sitting room of the first Bedlam Farm.

I remember lying on the floor while they watched me, my dogs seem to know to be still when I have the camera pointed at them. I call this photo love and work, because Lenore was the Love Dog, and Rose was the Work Dog.

I was living alone and somewhat shattered at the time, Maria had just come into my life, Rose was just beginning to falter and get sick. I’m grateful for this photograph, it hangs on the bedroom wall above our bed and catches the first rays of the sun in the morning.

These were wonderful dogs, spirits both come to stand with me as I sought to reclaim and change my life. They grounded me, comforted me, gave me strength in their own ways.

This photo was taken with the Iphone X camera, the original with a Canon 5 D.

As some of you know, I believe that some dogs are spirit animals, some are angels and guides. Lenore kept love alive for me until I could find it for myself, Rose was my partner in those chaotic and challenging first says of my life in the country.

She was uncompromising in her courage and work, she protected me and gave me strength.

I believe the great dogs come to mark the passages of our lives and define them. I am so fortunate to have had great dogs, the angels must be shining on me when it comes to dogs.

This is the first thing I see every morning, and I smile, sometimes cry, and am filled with emotion every time. When the sun hits the photo, I sometimes think it is Rose, reminding me to get up and check on the sheep. If I didn’t get up early enough, she would come to the side of the bed and nip my hand until I got moving.

(Lenore was different. She would lie on her back on the bed next to me snoring, and would have happily stayed there all day, if there was some food around.)

I still sometimes feel that nip. We have work to do. Get up.


  1. It’s so interesting that you posted this today. Reading your blog from the beginning, I’m up to the events of December 2011…and over the past few days I’ve been feeling the loss of Rose as keenly as if it had been happening today, I really appreciated how you called her “Rosie” in almost all of the posts after she died. As hard working as she was, her sweet nature always came shining through in your photographs, and your feelings for her were even more amplified when she became “Rosie” in your blog.

    I only read two or three days of those old postings at a time, so I’m still working through the loss of Rose “with” you. I bought your ebook about Rose some time ago, but I had been holding off reading it until her passing (in your blog), because I knew that you had written it after she had died…and I just started to read it yesterday.

    And now, I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Red. I’m glad that he’s feeling better.

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