12 December

At The Mansion: Catching The Angels From Galway In The Act

by Jon Katz
Angels From Galway

Galway is a town about 50 miles west of the Mansion, but quite often, a group of people we call the Angels of Galway show up at the Mansion offering gifts, cookies, and any kind of help that is needed. I know LoAnn Sanders, their ringleader on the right, but had never met Mary, Carolyn and Kristen before, or seen the angels at work.

They came to the Mansion today to set up a lavish Christmas party for the residents – cookies, egg nog, gifts. The staff tipped me off that they were coming and I came to meet them and thank them. Julie Smith, the Mansion Activity Director, says they have been helping her all year.

LoAnn read about the Mansion work on the blog, and organized the angels, all friends from Galway, and took it on themselves to help. They are already a legend at the Mansion, the staff always talks about how much they do, and how appreciated they are.

They make the drive often and know the residents well. They speak of Howard Thurman’s wonderful poem about Christmas: When Christmas begins, writes Thurman,

to find the lost,

To heal the broken,

To feed the hungry,

To release the prisoner,

To rebuild the nations,

To bring peace among brothers and sisters,

To make music in the heart.”

It was great to see LoAnn again – she is one of Sylvie’s favorite pen pals – and to meet the other angels, hero warriors in the Army of Good. They brought an amazing spread with them, the residents were happy, even boisterous.

The Galway Angels are my big story today, the real news. You will never see them on cable channels, but they remind us that there are good people in the world, and they will always rise to do good given the chance. Thanks, Angels.

And Merry Christmas to you You know what that means.


  1. Hip,hip, hooray for the Galway Angels! Are you ladies, perhaps, cut from the same loving, giving, cloth as Jon is? Looks that way. Jon is inspirational, and the Galway Angels are, as well. Merry Christmas!

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