7 February

Catching Some Good. Beware The Poison Candy Of The Soul

by Jon Katz
Catching Some Good

I’ve squawked plenty about the downside of the new digital world, and not enough about the good side, for which I apologize. and resolve to do better.

This morning, a beautiful start to the day, a message from Karla, somewhere out in the heartland. She wrote “I was delighted by your post about Joan, and watching the video and seeing her connect with the questions. She  seemed to be very happy and interested and engaged.”


“I am so thrilled by this idea, that I contacted our local library, to see if they could get behind the idea.”

Her library said there was no elder care facility in her district, so undeterred, Karla is checking with the local Senior Day Center in her small town and contacting the people at reading2connect. She is looking for elder care facilities in adjoining towns to see if she can bring this new idea about reading and memory to them.

These books are published to help revive memory and reading for elderly people with memory loss. I am just beginning to work with them, they bring me great hope and joy

“Again, thank you for being an inspiration to us, to focus on the good that we can do, rather than on the ills of the world. It is empowering.”

Thank you Karla, that is such a sweet inspiration to get. Joan could not pick up a pencil at the last art class, or draw a line, but the activities handbook from reading2connect brought memory and joy back to the fore for her.

It is storming pretty impressively outside, but I am supposed to be at the Mansion at 2:30 this afternoon and Karla has inspired me to try and make it through the snow. Maria says I am a snow pussy, and this may be true,  but I want to read more with Joan.

I think anger and compassion are both viruses, they can be transmitted. It is quite wondertul to think that someone so far away can see this video and be inspired by it. It is easier to hate than to be compassionate, but it is never rewarding to hate, it is the poison candy of the soul.


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