7 February

Digging Out. “A Snow Pussy Not.”

by Jon Katz
Digging Out

I don’t really know how much snow fell on us and others tonight, you can see it was a lot. The storm is beginning to soften, and after dinner, Maria and I went outside with shovels and brushes and dug out the cars and shoveled some paths – one to the chickens, one to the pasture gate, one for Gus to go outside, the snow is much taller than he is.

I did a lot of shoveling, and tomorrow, I have to get a ton of snow off of the roof.

I lost my mantle of snow pussy today, i drove through the storm to the Mansion, where I was scheduled to do a poetry workshop and some reading classes, and Maria said I was a “Snow Pussy Not.”

It looks like about a foot of snow, this is going to be a whale of a mud season. The farmers say the cold will start moderating towards the end of the week, and that is good news.

The Mansion trip was a bit of a white-knuckle drive, the roads were all ice and snow, but it was worth it, we had a great time, and I think they appreciated a visit with me and Red, they felt a bit snowbound in there all day. Nobody could even go out on the porch. We wrote a poem together, it was all about love.

I thought some of them might be a bit lonely, I think some were.

Tomorrow, Vince, the snow plough person, will come early and dig out the driveway. I had no trouble getting in and out this afternoon, but there was a whole lot of snow since then. Maria and I are both wiped out from all that digging, I feel quite safe shoveling although my angina kicked up tonight and I stopped.

I enjoyed the silence and the warmth inside I felt fortunate, as always, that we were warm and dry and have everything we need. We know that is not true for everyone in the world.I hope everyone had good luck weathering the storm and digging out.

We’re in good shape for tomorrow, we both plan to go out for various reasons. Gus had a good day, I think some dietary changes are working well. No incidents of any kind today. And I got promoted to “Snow Pussy Not,” that’s something.

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