24 February

Operation Notecards. What’s In The Boxes

by Jon Katz
Operation Notecards

The packages at the post office had dwindled to a mere 25 today, the third day of the Notebook onslaught and campaign. Lots of people have notecards, I see, and so many of them are beautiful, evocative, and creative. People will love to get them, I’ve already distributed 30 packs of cards at the Mansion – many with pens, stamps and colorful cards.

People are astonishingly thoughtful and creative in their gifts, and many of the notecards are wonderful to look at, saved from mothers and grandmothers. Every conceivable kind of flower is pictured or sketched, as are fish, birds, dogs and cats, trees.

There are elegant sketches, and Zen reflections and 19th century vignettes. There are blank postcards with pre-paid stamps, elegant Money cards from museums, hand-written cards from kids in school.

How wonderful to see.

Over all, we probably have between 400 and 500 packages sent from all over the United States. Writing and communications are essential to the Mansion residents, they are excited to have these cards and stamps.

I give you my word, every one of them will be used wisely and well, these cards spread joy in ways that surprise me. People who didn’t have stamps or pretty notecards said they didn’t write much, now they will. These notecards are so important, they are the pathway to communicating with the outside world.

Maria and I spent most of the afternoon opening the boxes, reading your letters., stacking the cards. It will take another couple of days, we’ll get there by Tuesday. This task is a pure pleasure. They will spread out like angels bringing joy and connection. Thanks again.

The Mansion/Refugee fund is down to about $1,000. If you wish to support this work, you can send a contribution to my post office box, P.O. 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 1286, or to me via Paypal, [email protected]. Thanks.

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