5 March

Tissues From The RISSE Amazon Wish List! Small Miracles…

by Jon Katz
Tissues For RISSE

This morning, I sent for boxes of tissues to RISSE, we are filling the holes in the life of this very busy and urgently needed school. RISSE teaches 200 refugee and immigrant children in their after school program, and they offer classes and support to more than 1,000 adults. The tissues cost $7.65 a box.

The RISSE Amazon Wish List has been a miracle and a source of hope and inspiration, you have all responded with such energy and vigor the list has been re-worked at least four times. We’ve sent them bean chairs, games, towel paper and tissues,  and are focusing right now on the educational software the teachers desperately need to help the refugee and immigrant children succeed in the public schools they attend during the day.

Those schools are also overburdened and underfunded, these children, many of whom are very recent arrivals in America, need your help.

The Mindware learningsoftware on the Wish List can be purchased in some cases for as little as $6 or $8 dollars. This learning is the key to the future success of these kids, who are under so much pressure to learn so many things. You have enriched their lives, and everyone at RISSE is astounded by your generosity.

They thought it would take days to see all of their wish list choices purchased, It took a few hours. One of the staff said it was hard to keep up with us.

Check it out here, there is no better way to start your day. It feels great to do good rather than argue about what good is.

We are reacting in the most positive possible way to these disturbing times, and my intention is to keep it that way. We can do good without being angry, hurtful or divisive. Please check out the remaining wish list here. Time for a new one.

My homework is empathy and compassion. That comes from the heart.

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