28 March

Everything is Fate’s Business

by Jon Katz
Everything is Fate’s business

Fate is a quite wonderful dog, incredibly smart and alert. She loves to know everything that is happen, she wants to be a part of everything that is going on. Maria and I were talking this morning, and Fate, as she often does, popped up onto the chair and listened in. I swear she knows what we are saying sometimes.


  1. Nice shot of your two farm gals. I stared at this photo longer than usual trying to figure out why. I think it maybe has to do with fate’s chimeric face. Even though I think she is beautiful, I find that white eye a little unsettling.

  2. Fate makes me laugh. The look on her face speaks volumes. And Maria is beautiful. I can’t wait to meet Fate in October. I want to see her “herd” the sheep. She has such a purposeful way about her when she does it.

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