26 April

Spider Bite

by Jon Katz
Spider Bite

I never felt the bite, my leg just suddenly felt hot and extremely itchy, a deep red rash spread from my thigh dow to my ankle. I thought of getting to the doctor’s but when we went online, and saw the marks closely matched the photos of a spider bite. It could have happened out in the pasture or sitting in my chair or even in bed.

I’ve had the bite for two days and the rash and swelling just turned uglier and bigger, the itching and swelling so bad I was thinking of going to the hospital. Whatever spider it was must have had some powerful venom. I still have ice over the bite and am still pouring tubes of Benadryl and Cortisone on the itching, and it seems the ice is bringing down the swelling a bit.

This is a first for me, and I always value first experiences. I’ve had enough, I’d like to sleep a bit tonight. I feel the impact of the bite all over my body.

How odd, I thought, I have never been bitten by a spider and know nothing about spider bites. Life on a country on a farm is chock full of surprises and new lessons, but I am not sure I grasp what the lesson is here. I think we’ve turned a corner today. The ice has numbed my leg. I never even saw the little sucker.


  1. A slug or two of liquid Benadryl might help. I keep bottles of that in the house, the car, the truck and in my purse for instant treatment for bee stings or other insect bites. My husband has had incidents of waking up with a thickly swollen tongue and the ER suggested liquid Benadryl. Hope you get better soon.

  2. I am sure you will get tonnes of advice on this one but PLEASE seek medical help on this, I lost my sister in law to a brown recluse spider bite that was not treated in a timely manner. This is not something you should take lightly ((Hug))

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