29 April

I Want To Say To The People Who Think Differently…

by Jon Katz
I Want To Say

A friend e-mailed me the cruel and tasteless attack on Sarah Huckabee Sanders this morning, and by the White House Correspondents Association, of all people. it was an awful way to begin a Sunday or any day, it was a monument to the coarseness, hatred and alienation of our world.

It is no secret that Mr. Trump was not my choice for President, I have great fun poking this bear from time to time, but that is no reason to cheer or support such pointless cruelty. I want to say to the many people who disagree with me that I am no better than you are, my dreams no purer thanĀ  yours, my beliefs no more sacred.

Wisdom begins by seeing the worst in myself, and the best in others.

I want to say I apologize for such cruelty, wherever it comes from, and I hope good and decent people will reject it, it is not humor, it is not funny, it is not noble, it does no service to our country or the wide differences between us.

I cling to the belief that we are all people, we share a common humanity, we all know fear and anger, we are none of us perfect. Behind the labels we so eagerly stick on one another are real people with feelings, ambitions, hurts and needs.

I am proud to say at this time in my life, I have no hatred in my heart for anyone. I will work harder and more thoughtfully about how to speak softly and walk gently. I yearn for leaders who wield empathy and compassion, I will follow them anywhere.

I will work hard every day to ensure that my corner of the world is free of cruelty and rage, there is nothing noble about harming or humiliating other human beings.

I want to say everyone is welcome here, whether you disagree with me or not (and so many do). I do not hate people who think differently than I do, or who make different choices. I have always believed this to be the heart of the American Experience. It is alive in my world.

In my universe, there are no labels, no cant or rhetoric from the left or the right. We are all humans beings, struggling to stay afloat in an uncertain world. We think for ourselves, and treat others with dignity and courtesy.

I just wanted to say I am sorry.


  1. I am no fan of Donald Trump, but I found the remarks by What’s Her Name vulgar and mean. SHS apparently has a world view I don’t share, but she goes out there and faces an often agitated press with composure. We need to give up this kind of “joking”.

  2. I don’t watch tv, but after your post I did watch this on my computer. It is gross, I find most what’s on tv today much of the same. Thanks, I will continue to leave the boob tube off.

  3. The very reason I do not like Trump is that he is rude, name calling, demeaning, unkind to people. The woman at the correspondents dinner seemed to be the same. “Where they go low, we go high.” That’s what I would like to see.

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