29 June

Making A Video

by Jon Katz
Making A Video

There is very little space between work and art in our home. Maria has taken to making a video almost daily, it fits her gifts and passion as a visual artist, as I knew it would when I gave her an Iphone very much against her wishes (she almost kicked me out of the house).

As Steve Jobs envisioned, his technology quite often led creatives to new and different directions. Maria captures the daily rituals and feelings of our farm, and her videos are increasingly popular on Instagram channel (mariawulf).

It’s a natural medium for her. Every morning, she goes out into the pasture with the dogs and animals and comes back with a visual mediation on life. Then, weather permitting, she sits out on the bench on the back porch, edits her videos and sends them off, more of her creative children flying out into the world.

I just realized she has co-opted one of my Tilley hats. Sigh.


  1. Your gardens are just beautiful, Jon. Thank you for all that you share and more importantly, for all that you do for others. You are truly a good man.

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