2 August

Bud At The Vet: The Color Of Red

by Jon Katz
Gus At The Vet

Carol Johnson of the Friends Of Homeless Animals/RI rescue group sent me this photo of Bud as he was leaving the veterinary clinic in Arkansas this morning after his first laborious and dangerous treatment for heartworm. He will be in Arkansas for two more months before he can come and live with us.

SInce this very dedicated and competent rescue group adopted Bud, I’m deciding to adopt them. We raise a lot of money her for good causes – the refugees, the Mansion residents. Wouldn’t it make sense to support a group that saves heartworm infected dogs from all over the country and takes care of them and pays for their medical bills and transports them to the people who adopt them?

There are legions of dog lovers here, and this group seems very worthy to me. If you agree, think about sending them a donation, it has been an honor and inspiration to work with them, they have opened me up and got me thinking about a lot of things.

People have always abandoned dogs and mistreated them, but heartworm has only recently spread to the whole country, to a dog near you. I’d like to help this group. FOHA doesn’t only help heartworm dogs, but that is a focus of their work.

I think they would make a natural and worthy addition to our work.  This idea has been growing in my head for a week or so.

It takes a long time and a lot of money to save these dogs. You can learn more about heartworm and it’s devastating consequences here, through the American Heartworm Association.

You can go see FOHA here.

I am confident Bud is in good hands and will be here at the end of the summer. From what I hear, he is well worth waiting for. It seems he is a sweet and good-hearted creature.

And I see that he is almost the exact color of Red. Hmm….


  1. (I am somewhat confused; I assume the title meant to refer to Bud; or Gus? Sorry if I have misunderstood.)

    1. If you read the piece, it’s quite clear, the headline was a typo which was corrected in the blog and piece a long time ago..

  2. What a great group! The shelter where I volunteer often brings in dogs from over-crowded shelters in the south, and so many of those dogs are suffering from heartworm. It is difficult and expensive to treat, but certainly not impossible to beat. I had no idea there was a group dedicated solely towards helping dogs get treated for heartworm. Thank you!!!

  3. Bless you Jon! I have been a devoted FOHA foster for over 3 years. I have fostered about 100 dogs and all have touched my heart. Some were blind, some were missing a limb, some had tumors bigger than their spirit and some were just newborns wondering what life would bring them. It takes a village of people to save these loving dogs. They know it it too, which is why they are forever grateful and leave a lasting impression on every life they touch!

    1. Hey Julie, thanks for the message. I don’t think I could do what you do, but I am grateful for it. I think I’ll do everything I can to help FOHA, you people are quite special..Bless you..

  4. Bless your heart Jon for taking in Bud. Great news !! I’m a foster Mom for a Midwest Boston Terrier Rescue in Ohio Michigan Indiana Illinois. I’m crazy about the breed and have placed about 150 dogs in great homes. Heartworm is a real problem here in the midwest. Thanks for giving this Arkansas group the help they deserve. By the way I have read all your books and have adored your writings for a long long time. Keep up the good work.

  5. Just want to make a comment about heartwom. I am 69. When I was 16 and living in Prior Lake Minnesota, just south of Minneapolis, I had a dog diagnosed with heart worm. The vet said it wasn’t unusual and that there was no treatment and he would die soon. He prescribed digitalis for him to possibly give him a bit more time. He lasted a couple of years, surprisingly, before dying of a heart attack. Now I rescue dogs and have had several with heart worm. I am very grateful for the treatment available now, and especially for the preventative. I really don’t want to lose another like that if it can be helped. Glad to see Bud found the right people!

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