28 September

Broken Nation: Finding My Own Unity: Do Good!

by Jon Katz
Broken Nation

Okay, so we all can see now that we live in a Broken Nation. I believe a great leader is coming to us to help us heal.

The leaders we now have in place seem to only be able to divide, not unify. They come from another time and place, they seem bewildered and confused.

They accept rage and cruelty. Wherever they can, they pit one of us against the other. And we let them.

So people of faith and people of good faith watch the news in anguish and sorrow and look for hope amid despair.

Yesterday, the awful spectacle of two human beings, both in anguish and torment and tears, and half of us beat up on one, and the rest of us beat up on the other.  We are like the crowd in the great Coliseum, sitting behind our screens while the lions tear people to pieces.

Government of the people is not supposed to be about hurting and frightening and ignoring the people, we have lost our way.

So we live in a Broken Land, see what the labels have done to us, and to our ability to think and listen and feel for ourselves.  Where did my country, and why was I asleep when it left?

I ended the day angry and discouraged, and then determined to get to a better place. If I can’t rind peace and compassion outside of myself, I can find it inside of me, where my own news lives. And I did.

I find it with the Army Of Good, I find it in doing deeds of good.

Somehow, we have lost our way, this birthplace of democracy, and the individual challenge is  how to find our own unity until our new Messiah arrives or we wear ourselves out hating one another. I am full of hope.

The women I know are as engaged as I have ever seen them, and their revolution moves forward, plenty of bumps in the road, but no dearth of energy or passion. I do not believe they will ever be bludgeoned into silence again. Perhaps that makes me naive, but I am not naive, I feel hopeful.

Away from the circuses of the left and right, i see important things happening everywhere.

I think people who discard the power and message of women will be regretting it, and soon. I believe things are change. I believe it is time.

That is the source of great hope for me. A commentator on cable news said last night that the ending is always the same in  Washington “the woman lose.” I’m not so sure, there is a new narrative coming like a big strong wave.

I trust in the God Of Life, I am called to live out of a new place, beyond the emotions and arguments and passions of the moment. I seek a world without jealousy, anger, resentment and rage, they are the children of resentment and abandonment.

I trust that there is another and better place, my angels and spiritual guides each took an arm and lead me to safety and peace of mind.

They took me inside, not outside, to the core of my being, my heart, where all of my feelings and emotions and love and anger  converge in my own personal truth, not anyone else’s.

Every time I do good, my core is stronger and more unified. Odd, but it works.

I don’t need the left or the right to tell me how to feel, do we still  think they know one thing more than we do?

I call this core my place of unification, my unity. If I can’t find it outside I know it lives inside. My deeper  self dwells there, separate from my emotions and the needs of my body.

There, if I close my eyes and open my heart, I am called to unity, the shining place of the soul. I step past the emotions of the day and into my own place of unification.  It is a wonderful place to visit.

It is so much better to do good than to argue about what good is.

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