11 December

Jackie Can Read Again: You Did It!

by Jon Katz

For the past two months I have been searching for a way to help Jackie read. She is one of my favorite people at the Mansion, shy and unassuming and bright. She has trouble seeing.

I tried large print books and small magnifying glasses, and color and illustrated books. She had trouble holding a magnifying glass and most of them were simply not strong enough.

The other night, Jackie and I went online together and we found what we both thought might be a solution – a new kind of lamp.

Jackie never asks for anything and refuses to collect her prizes at Bingo, she gives them to other residents. Jackie appreciates letters, but she can’t read the messages, she loves to look at the cards.

Yesterday, the new Brightech magnifying glass lighted floor lamp arrived and Maria and I put it together. It is big and heavy and powerful and simple to use.

Today I brought it to the Mansion. I was a bit anxious – we’ve had rough luck getting Jackie help reading – she loves to read. It really bothered me to think that there was no way to help her. And for at least two months, we couldn’t find a way.

I also had a good feeling about it today. This lamp is made for the visually impaired. They knew what they were doing.

Thanks to your support, I was able to buy this lamp instantly and install it in Jackie’s room. There were no books in there, she had been unable to read any of the books I had brought her.

I set up the lamp next to her chair and plugged it in. This lens was brighter and stronger than any we had tried, and Jackie picked up some of the cards the Army Of Good had been sending her (thanks).

She moved the lamp into position herself and adjusted the card, slowly but clearly, she read the address out to me, the first time she had been able to read an address on a card

“Is this working?,”I asked, ready to cry a bit. “Yes, I think so. Thank you,” she said. And knowing Jackie, I said fine, and Red and I left her to experiment and figure it out.

Was she ready for some books?, I asked. “I think so,” she said, unsure. She’ll figure it out. I briefed the aides on how the lamp works, and how the book or reading matter has to be lowered to make the type bigger.

Tomorrow, I’ll order some large print books and I felt that this was one of the most important and satisfying things I had done at the Mansion, I thank you so much for your support.

I wanted you to see what you had done.

If you wish to contribute to the Mansion work, you can send a donation via Paypal, [email protected] or through the mail, “Jon Katz, Mansion Fund, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. You can also send a donation in any amount using Paypal or a credit card by doing to the bottom of this blog post and clicking on Support The Army Of Good.

I thank you, we are doing a lot of good this Christmas.


  1. How wonderful–I would be lost if I could not read, as I’ve been in love with reading since I was a small child. My Grandma, the one who was most responsible for me being a voracious reader, eventually got to where she was unable to see to read, or to hear to have audio books, though we tried everything we could think of to help her before she died in 1987. I hope Jackie will be able to use the lamp and enjoy reading again. All good wishes to you and all the folks at the Mansion.

  2. This warmed my heart, Jon! I cannot imagine not being able to read. Helping others really is the whole point of life. Thank you!

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