5 February

SOS: Day By Day, Back To The Danforth

by Jon Katz

The Mansion refugee return has been delayed by another day (or possibly two). A number of small problems were found at the Mansion, and the staff doesn’t want the health department to come until everything is in perfect condition.

The rooms look great to me and so do the hallways and carpets, but there is a lot of small stuff I can’t see and wouldn’t recognize. I am a bit at wit’s end to figure out how to cheer the displaced residents up, I made an emergency trip to Battenkill Books and then the dollar store – $87 – for one more large print book, a coloring pad, some color pencils, so bird bags, DVD’s, a couple of puzzles, three enchanting kaleidoscopes, some “rescue” creatures in a box, including an abominable snow man.

I know they love getting presents, and tonight everyone will get a small, bright or funny gift. I can’t do much better than that. I have two ghost stories to tell them also.

This afternoon, I read to the few residents of the Mansion, told ghost and flying saucer saucers, read poems and talked about death and the supernatural. They love these stories, and we had the most lively talk about whether there are ghosts or not, or whether UFO’s exist.

Madeline thanked me, “you stirred our imagination, and boy, do we need that.” Great thing to hear. She does not believe in ghosts or “any of that stuff.”

Honestly, I think just being there and telling stories is probably one of the best things I can do. I gave the Mansion staff $40 to arrange for a pizza night for themselves and the residents, they are working around the clock, and are so visibly drained. At least they won’t have to cook.

What matters most at the Danforth is showing up, but I admit to being worn thin trying to come up with new things. I won’t quit on them, I will keep at it, if they ever needed some cheering up, it is tonight.

Maria is coming with me to the Danforth tonight, I am sure they are deeply frustrated and discouraged at one more delay. The staff is saying it’s “day by day,” and very close, I accept that, it just calls for great patience and stamina, two things in short supply for the advanced elderly.

I get to go home at night in my wonderful farmhouse and sleep next to my wonderful wife.


  1. Reading this post makes it seem obvious that treating these senior citizens like little kids doesn’t seem to be working. Maybe just telling them to suck it up for another day or two might bring them back to reality. I’m 68…and you’re older than I am…and I’m confident that they can take straight talk from you.

    1. David, I’m sad to see this message, you might be happy going to Washington.I doubt it reflects the best of you, at least I hope not. I talk straight to everybody, and I will extend the same courtesy to you. Your message smells. These are not spoiled children, they are sick and elderly people, that is why they are in assisted care, it is not a place one goes to be spoiled. I find your message insulting to them, and of course, to me. You have the right to your opinion, but opinions are not facts. These are hard working people who are quite old and quite frail and do not need tough talk, they are confused, many have severe memory problems and other ailments I am not at liberty to discuss. They need to get back into their own rooms, to sleep in their own beds, to have access to their bathrooms, clothes and diets, families and routines. If you did the slightest bit of homework before typing stuff like this, you would know that this kind of sudden move can be devastating to the frail and the elderly. It is not my opinion, it is a well documented medical reality. Being 68 does not confer sympathy or wisdom, and I am grateful at 71 that I would never write a message like this. I hope you are not and will not experience the health issues these people struggle with every day, including disorientation, even dementia. I find them quite brave and patient. And you want me to give them a tough talk? Yuk. Please take this elsewhere. Reading this makes me want to take a shower.

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