6 April

Some Help For Cynthia For Her Blog?

by Jon Katz

I think I may have a perfect mission for someone in the Army Of Good.

I’ve been writing about the remarkable Cynthia Daniello, an 84-year-old former farmer, horse raiser and veterinary technician (for more than 30 years who wants to start a blog to give herself  in a world that shoves the elderly out sight and leaves them little to.

She wants her life to be meaningful, and she has the head for it, I’ve been talking to her for three weeks.

This is important, it is about voice and also real help people who have problems or questions about their animals, something I began to do on my “Talking To Animals” broadcast. It is also about proving that the elderly have much wisdom and  experience. Cynthia knows animals well.

She lives in an independent living facility in Virginia, but people anywhere in the country could set up a blog with her if they knew how. Several people have already messaged me offering to help. This would be a major help. She is:([email protected].

Elderly people with whom Red and I work tell me all the time  how they seem forgotten, how people don’t speak to them or ask them what they think, or seem to care what they think.

Cynthia, who is in a wheelchair , is eager to start her blog, she is determined to be relevant and useful to her last breath.

I think she may need some help in getting her blog started, if anyone out there knows how to do that.I wish I did. I have been encouraging her to do this, and I support her in any way I can.

“My daughter is coming tonight and will take a picture to send to you,” she wrote this afternoon (I have been bugging her for a photo). Rarely ever am I photographed alone so my old dog, Hannah, a Brittany, will accompany me. My son of which I spoke, won’t be able to come up for several weeks. I am anxious to get going so I may attempt to set up the blog by myself.”

I told Cynthia I would be available to support her every step of the way, but I don’t have the right technical skills to help her with this, I do know it is not too complex or difficult for many people to do.

I think it would be difficult for her to wait several  weeks, she is excited and eager to write on her blog, about her life, and about her experiences with animals. She will be asking for your questions.

If you can help, you can contact her directly: she is [email protected]. I will also look to see if there is someone in Virginia, where she lives, who might be able to help her. She is looking to see if there is a young computer whiz nearby.

Cynthia says she may try to put the blog up by herself, but I sense she might appreciate some help.

My guess is that she does not have  lot of money to throw at this. If anyone there can help, this is what we are about these days. Thanks much.

“The Vultures are circling,” she wrote at the end of her letter. Cynthia has a spirit animal, the Turkey Vulture embodies the idea of spiritual ascension.

Cynthia wants to fly. Let’s help her.


    1. Really? How did you imagine she would be taking questions from animal lovers all over the country? Telepathy? That’s why she is doing the blog, so that people can e-mail her with their questions about dogs and cats and other animals.

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