22 May

Meet The New Bishop Maginn Choir Dog And Mascot

by Jon Katz

Principal Mike Tolan asked me to please bring Red to the high school with me today, and I was a bit reluctant. It would mean hours in the car and Red tires easily these days.

But he loves therapy work, and I decided to go it. It was a good move. Something about this work enervates Red, brings back his energy and focus. He just loves doing it, and the kids in the school went wild over him. He was instantly named the Bishop Maggin School Choir Official Dog And Mascot.

For two hours, he was surrounded by doting women and a few men, he loved every second of it, soaking it up, taking his bows.

I’ll never get over the impact Red has people, many of these refugee kids were not familiar with dogs as pets, they couldn’t afford them or they weren’t permitted in the refugee camps where they spent so much of their lives.

I took a video of the newly formed choir (more kids to come) singing, Red was part of the video. We’ve already raised $1,500 to support the choir, but they do need more things – a keyboard, some music stands, instruments,  some T-shirts and some money to travel to places outside of the school to sing.

It is wonderful to have a dog I can trust so completely, and that children who have been though so much trust as well.

Judi Merriam, who has with with choirs for many years, has volunteered to be the new choir director. The school is beyond excited to have her.

I suspect the will make a big splash on behalf of their school and their lives. These are not thugs and criminals, these are amazingly hard-working and generous young people.

If you wish to help the choir, check out some of the music stands on the Bishop Maggin Wish List (or other items on the list) or, if you prefer you can send a donation for the choir to Mike Tolan, Principal, Bishop Maginn High School, 75 Park Avenue, Albany, N.Y., 12202. All donations are tax-deductible, the school is a non-profit institution.

Some people have asked if they can send donations to me, especially for smaller amounts. Sure, you can do it via Paypal, [email protected] or by check, Jon Katz. Bishop Maginn Fund, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

Red and I will be visiting the school regularly. I’ll put up the choir video tonight.

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