26 May

Bud And Warm Weather

by Jon Katz

Bud, like all Boston Terriers, is coming to terms with warmer weather. The temperature has been close to the 80 this week and Bud, like Fate and Red, is showing some long tongue.

The difference between a Boston Terrier and a Border Collie when it comes to warm weather ends there. Border collies, like all good herding dogs, have long snouts which act as cooling vents for warm air. They have much longer and faster legs than Bud, and also have larger lungs for breathing.

We are very careful with Bud in warm temperatures, he loves to come out and push the sheep around, then we bring him inside. Sometimes, he goes and jumps in the pond like his buddy Fate.

He raced all over the pasture for about ten minutes and then turned and gave me a look I think I understood: let’s go inside.  He’s been sleeping ever since. Fate can run for miles and miles, she also likes to jump in the pond to cool off and come inside for awhile. Five minutes later, she’s at the door again.

There is fresh water and shade for Bud whenever he’s outside, but the time he spends outside is about to get a lot shorter.

Red and getting along with the sheep, I think Bud has trained to leave Red alone.

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