21 August

Passing the $5,000 Mark For Kevin And Mary Reiss

by Jon Katz

I’m very happy to report that we went sailing over the halfway mark on our quite remarkable journey this week to help Bishop Maginn High School Teacher Kevin Reiss and his wife Mary raise enough money to persuade their undertaker to bury their son Milan.

They need $8,000, the family’s GoFundMe Page and the site has now raised $5,290. Somewhere between $600 and $1,000 has come to me via Paypal, and I’m expecting more by mail in the coming days.

I’ll bring a check to the meeting.

This would mean we’re only about $2,00 away from having enough for the undertaker to handle the burial of Milan, who suffered from Muscular Dystrophy.

Tomorrow, I’m going to Albany in the morning (the trip was delayed by heavy rains today) to meet with Kevin and Mary Reiss at the Bishop Maginn High School. I’m going to take their photos, meet them and talk about burying their son, something no parent should have to raise money to do.

I’ve been talking to people about Kevin today, he is very well-liked;  known for helping kids, keeping them off the street, helping them when they get into trouble. He starts a new job at Bishop Maginn in a couple of weeks, he will be Dean Of Obedience and also work at managing the school’s ascending sports program.

I will explain to him that we will do everything possible to raise the money he needs to get his beloved son Milan a proper burial. We are much closer to the $8,000 than I imagined we would be after just 24 hours.

There is about $2,000 to go.

I keep thinking we are making a strong statement here, and an important one. I thank you for your open hearts, your empathy, your generous spirits. It means a lot to me, and much more to this kind and deserving couple, who ought not to struggle too much just to bury their son.

If there is any overage in the money being sent, I’ll get it to the Reiss’s right away.  They could use any help they could fund to deal with their medical bills.

People who wish to donate can be sent money directly to the GoFundMe page. GoFundMe does charge a fee and pays out at the end of a specific period.

If people prefer, they can send a contribution to me via Paypal, [email protected] or by check, Jon Katz. Milan Burial Fund, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. No fees, middlemen or administrators.

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