25 December

Three Horses On Christmas Day

by Jon Katz

I appreciate living in the country where I can drive down a busy highway and see three beautiful horses, as curious about me as I am about them. I love the way they stood by the feeder, aware of me and my camera, waiting for me to show my purpose, and perhaps to offer an apple. I always have to stop and take a picture of horses.


  1. This picture brings back fond memories of my childhood when my father would take me on drives in the country. Clutching a plastic bag full of apples and carrots, we’d look for pastures with horses. I’d climb down into the ditch, often through mud and water, and shake the bag, hoping to lure the horses over to the fence. Going home with my hands covered with horse slobber was a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I had horses of my own from age 10 to 17. It was a marvellous way to spend my youth. Mucking out stalls was way more fun than going to the mall! ?

  2. Wow this photo looks almost like a painting… Beautiful. And it’s true, horses will wait to feel your purpose, you know animals.

  3. Jon, this is a gorgeous, iconic photo – horses, a beautiful red barn, just perfect and what I think of when I picture the country.

  4. Jon,
    I just love this picture. I think it is absolutely beautiful in its simplicity. I wonder if you might offer it for sale?
    As with your writing, I am always inspired by the beautiful photos that you take, especially the ones of the simplest everyday things. You are an inspiration to me and a reminder that you can only have the life you want if you go out and get it for yourself and then continue to maintain it, nurture if you will.
    I want to say, Thank you for all your wonderful books and for sharing your life and perspective through your blog and photos. Thank you also, for all the wonderful things you do to help people who may otherwise never receive the things that you and I have taken for granted at times in our lives. For providing an opportunity with your “Army of Good” and the small acts of kindness idea you have employed so that others, who may otherwise have never be able to, can do a little good in this world for others too. It’s a “Win, Win” and a blessing, and I thank you for it, as I am sure so many others do as well.
    Merry Christmas to you and Maria and a Very Happy New Year!

  5. My first thought when I saw this picture was of a childhood book titled “Three Little Horses”, and they were brown, white and black. I still have that book! Very nice photo – thanks for sharing it and for the memory of a much-loved book.

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