5 April

Video: Zinnia The Mud Dog And I Battle The Ticks, Round Two

by Jon Katz

Some people run from trouble (they have common sense), other people run right into it (me). It helps to bring a good dog.

Zinnia and I returned to our favorite woods prepared to battle the ticks who swarmed over us two days ago. I consulted with a vet friend and also a doctor about the best tick sprays and lotions for dogs and people.

I am stubborn. I have to be careful about ticks, I’ve had Lyme Disease and they can cause trouble for people with heart disease and diabetes. But I’m not about to let some ticks keep me out of the woods.

I just have to be prepared.

I called my local Walgreen’s and arranged to pick up two cans of temporary spray at the drive-thru window (sanitizing lotion on hand). I ordered the most recommended cans on Amazon, they will arrive Tuesday.

Before going into the woods, I tucked my jeans into my hiking boots, sprayed my clothes and face and neck. Zinnia takes monthly tick and flea pills, they kill fleas and ticks but don’t keep them away.

She has to be checked carefully when we get home.

Thus armed, we went valiantly into the woods.

The ticks were out, we had a beautiful walk (Zinnia is going through lab adolescence), she is defying recalls a bit, especially if there is something nauseating to eat.

Time to spice up the training a bit, we need a refresher.

She hasn’t done therapy work in weeks and I’ve lost focus in the training, so many distractions. I think dogs can get stir crazy too. In the course of a normal week, Zinnia sees about 200 people. Now, she sees about three. I’m certain she picks up the strain in me, Maria and the universe around her.

But she is a wonderful dog to walk with, and she has discovered her love of mud. I shot the above video today. Mud dogs in action.

A  beautiful and friendly and huge yellow lab popped out of the woods and joined us for part of the walk, I’ve seen her, she lives nearby and roams the woods a lot.

She and Zinnia played for a bit, and ran in circles together, then the big dog vanished as mysteriously as she appeared, and was gone.

I had three ticks on my jeans when I got home, and we pulled eight or nine out of Zinnia’s coat. Being a white dog, they stand out.  There were none on me. Victory for Round Two and preparation. It’s like the virus.

You need to take it seriously if you mean to survive it.

Check out the video, Lab lovers will recognize this breeds love of mud and gook.


  1. Please share videos of your daily walks in the woods. It made me feel like I was walking down that path with you and Zinnia. I can only go outside on my own property – no where else. God bless you for taking me into the woods again.

  2. Great to feel fellowship across the world. Here in locked down Johannesburg, South Africa, it is now illegal to walk dogs. My four dogs and I have to be content with the garden. By the end of the day, my Lab is clearly depressed. But she’ll be full of hope again in the morning. The only advantage of the situation is the reduction in tick bites, now very much in season.

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