30 April

A Mansion Day: Foggers, Grills, Toys, Speakers, Sundaes

by Jon Katz

The Army Of Good, Nathan McKenzie, and Jean’s Place all teamed up to give the Mansion a great boost in morale, fun, and safety today.

I delivered a bunch of toys to Nathan for the children of the aides to play with while they are stuck at home. The Disinfectant Fogger was expected to come late today, and will hopefully be ready for use tomorrow.

Nathan has undertaken another major project – getting a grill and griddle ready so the residents could at least get to go outside and sit in the sun and have some meals. We stopped him from using his own money to buy the grill – we rushed to the hardware store and paid for it, it cost $360.

His idea was to do $360 of work in exchange for the funds for the grill. My idea was better, I thought, we’ll pay for the grill, and he can get paid for the work he does.


We did some real good at the Mansion today.

We got Peggie the speakers she has wanted for her laptop, she is losing some of her hearing. She misses her family, who are not allowed in the Mansion. She wrote me a message on Facebook today saying she missed me.

I brought Nathan four or five toys to pass out to the aides, these were the requests for toys made by their children. More are coming.

Today, we delivered an ice cream Sundae kit from Stewart’s, a local convenience store chair chain. Jean’s Place is delivering soup, pies, and sandwiches for lunch on Friday.

Nathan’s idea for new outdoor cooking equipment is great.

This will give the residents a chance to get outside and into the fresh air without leaving the safety of the Mansion. Nathan, the Mansion’s Maintenance Director, has a big heart and a lot of carpentry and mechanical skills.

He is always looking for ways to help the residents and keep them safe. We work well and comfortably together. I have to stay alert to keep him from spending his own money.


  1. What a great guy Nathan is, and so glad you could help him! It’s people like him and you, who are the real heroes. See a need and try to fill it. You’re not interested in vanquishing an opponent (the hero myth) maybe only the opponent called suffering.

  2. Sure wish all the retirement facilities had a caring, creative facilities manager like Nathan. We need to clone this guy he rocks!

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