3 May

Proposed New Logo For The Bedlam Farm Journal

by Jon Katz

The very gifted Abrah Griggs send me this proposal for a new logo for the blog, the Bedlam Farm Journal. The big change, as you have noticed, is that Abrah removed the belly dancing sheep from the logo and added Zinnia.

As before, the donkeys (and now the sheep) will not be represented.

Some of you will squawk about that, but the purpose of the logo is not to capture everything on the farm, but the heart and soul of my blog. I see it being updated constantly.

I love the donkeys dearly, but the spirit of Red and now Zinnia are front and center, and I just love the chicken reading the news. I also love the simplicity and clarity of the logo, I am a freak for spare and clean.

A logo is no place for clutter. So I love it, but I do want to see and hear what you think. You can comment here on the blog directly, or on my Facebook Page.


  1. I like the way Zinnia is sitting, looking calm and serene and Red is watching over everything! The chicken makes me smile, like a mom catching up on the news before the days business begins. Love it!

  2. I love it, and, really love that chicken, too. The idea of Red keeping an eye on Zinnia is beautiful.

  3. I love that Red and Zinnia are the main characters. It would be nice to have a donkey there too but I don’t think it could be easily fitted in.

  4. I’m with Pauline. I like Zinnia sitting on the J but I wish there was a donkey head, maybe in the middle of the O or peeking around the L in journal … just a thought.

  5. I like the new logo! Red definitely belongs there……………. and I am not missing the sheep but am LOVING the chicken! Also am greatly enjoying your political writing…….. I can see why you were a successful journalistic reporter. ;-). It probably feels good and natural to you, getting back into it for a bit………..
    Susan M

    1. Thanks Maggie, Abrah is going to fix the eyes, I hadn’t notice, we both agree with you..

  6. Lots of synchronicity, Zinnia perched on the J (J for Jon), Red at attention toward Zinnia,
    and the chicken reading the news (speaks volumes). A few months ago I would have said
    why the chicken reading the newspaper but not anymore.

  7. Love the placement of Zinnia. Might be funny to have the Princess’s slum dog playmate captured to show the juxtaposition of the debutante with her wrong side of the tracks Buddy.

  8. It’s up to you; the blog is your baby. However, I have to say the belly dancing sheep is colorful and “pops” more than the tan dog. The dancing sheep did double duty; it reminded me of both your wife and the sheep. The dog pic just reminds me of Miss Z. It’s a nice thought but it’s blander than the sheep. ( Is ‘blander’ a real word?)

    1. Thanks Marcia,it feels good and simple to me..Everybody can’t be equally important at the same time, I think..Bud is doing very well..

  9. Please include a donkey like Simon. They say something different than the other featured animals

  10. From Anne on the West Coast of Canada…Your blog is very “grounding” in these rickety times. The logo cannot please everyone so stick with what you love (in my elderly humble opinion!) as you do so well. Some of us are paying attention.

    1. Thanks Anne, the feedback is helpful, but as you mention, has to be what I love…We did get eyes for Zinnia though..

    1. Maria doesn’t work for me, she is a fiber artist who earns her living make fiber art, not dog sketches or any sketches..she’s good at everything she does, but we are different people with different identities, thank God..

  11. What about Bud. I know he is a dear one to you’ll. Couldn’t you just squeeze his little self in and still be comfortable with the design?

    1. Sorry, Frances, don’t want to “squeeze” anybody in there, I love the simplicity of it..Bud is doing very well, he’s sleeping on Zinnia and snoring like a lout at my feet..he’s got a great life, he doesn’t really care if he is on a logo or not..

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