4 May

Final New Logo For The Bedlam Farm Journal

by Jon Katz

My response to the Pandemic is to respect it and to respect the sick and the dying. It is my plan to survive and be better.

I am moving forward with my life: a new logo for Bedlam Farm, a new hybrid car, solar power coming for the farmhouse.

The challenge is to see past this disruption and suffering, to do as much good as possible, and also to blow some kisses to Mother Earth.

The logo is a constantly changing statement about the Bedlam Farm Journal, and what is happening there.

Red is the honored figure, Zinnia the current news, the chickens a reminder not to take myself too seriously. Our lives are not only about people getting sick, humor is ill also.

The hen reminds me to smile.

Thanks for noticing Zinnia’s zombie eyes, you will notice that has been fixed. I’m sorry for those of you who want Bud to be there, and our wonderful donkeys, Lulu and Fanny, or Fate.

Red was the dominant creature her for years, right now it’s Zinnia.

Everybody has their own favorite, which is sort of nice, but also impossible when considering a logo. I leave the choices to Abrah Griggs, the wonderful artist who designs my logo. She brings a fresh and gifted eye to it, I’m too close.

I love working with Abrah, she is an artist through and through, and I’m used to dealing with artists. I ask her for a logo, wait two or three months, and accept what she does. It works, she is a genius.

Thanks to those of you who jogged us about Zinnia’s eyes. I’ll be doing this again in a few months, it needs to stay fresh.

A logo in my mind can’t be a popularity contest or all-inclusive.

It’s a statement of the moment, of now. The logo inspires me to also be fresh and forward-looking, not to get stale or rest on my tattered laurels. The blog is a living memoir, my great work. It is the story of a life.

So this one is it, for now, and thanks for your input. I do listen, contrary to public opinion.


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