6 July

Monday Morning: I Stand With Donkeys

by Jon Katz

We could never have guessed we were already blessed where we are…” James Taylor.

I start Monday mornings doing a video with Maria, her Monday Morning video. This marks the beginning of another week in our precious lives together.

I am keenly aware of how quickly time passes. I am already blessed where I am, and anywhere Maria is.

In my short time on the earth, I can either do good or I can contribute to the bad. My choice, no one else can make it for me.

Today, my good act is going out to buy some envelopes for Sylvie and mailing them to her.

She called me up to complain she had no writing paper. I don’t think Sylvie cares much where she is, so long as she has something to write on or about. She loves to give me orders, I like taking them.

Sylvie is pure.

I identify with her compulsion to write (She is at the Fort Hudson Nursing Center, Room 23, 319 Upper Broadway, Ft. Edward, N.Y., 12828).

I highly recommend committing one small act of great kindness each day, nothing is healthier and more grounding. That and standing with donkeys are the best imaginable way to begin the week.

I looked over my shoulder this morning and saw this beautiful tableau of Fanny and Lulu standing by the side of the barn looking out over the pasture at us while we talked and threw balls for the dogs.

I went over and stood with the donkeys, in solidarity, a gentle protest for a kinder, gentler world.  The donkeys are fixed and calming figures in a turbulent universe.

I think we stand for the same things. Donkeys have no time for the cruelty or foolishness of people.

It wasn’t a protest really, more of a mediation. Stay calm, take deep breaths, meditate, find time for silence if you can. Don’t be afraid to stand apart and gaze out at the world.

This is the message of the donkeys for me. They know what they are talking about.


  1. I read your sentence recommending one act of kindness a day. Many many years ago a priest at my church during lent suggested the same. Instead of giving up something let’s do something. The next Sunday they passed out little 3×5 cards and asked everyone to write down some examples of their acts of kindness that past week. The cards were collected at the offertory and a selection was read at the end of Mass. Some were hilarious, some touching, some truly amazing, but everyone left that morning feeling richer for the experience. On a personal note my late husband came home from work, showered, and rushed off to a meeting. After he got home later that night he Said……hey you didn’t yell at me for leaving my dirty clothes on the bathroom floor. We both laughed when I replied that was my one act of kindness today. I still try to do one nice thing a day. Big or small it all counts n making the world just a little gentler place. You are a shining example of that philosophy.

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