6 March

Last Check On Robin and Mother: Hopeful.

by Jon Katz

Nobody who knows sheep would bet on anything when it comes to recovery, but things are looking hopeful. Maria did a wonderful job manipulating Laurie’s nipples and got some colostrum into him, he began to come to life.

As of now, things are calm in our birthing stall, mother and son are quit. She is grazing on some fresh hay, he is getting some milk from her, from the looks of it.

Laurie has become a patient and accepting mother, Robin is getting stronger by the hour.

Tomorrow we will return about $120 in lambing supplies to Tractor Supply, as it stands, the only thing we are using is a big infra-red bulb and a safety cover. It’s going to be below zero tonight, and it is essential Robin stay warm.

They are both standing side by side, eating. It’s gone from a chaotic scene to a sweet one. I used to spend days preparing for lambing, we did it tonight in an hour.

We are both out of gas, and my foot is annoyed with me. Off to bed. We’ll try to watch the start of Nomadland and.

We’ll check in with them early in the morning. I’ll wager Maria gets up in the middle of the night to check on things.

It was a strange day that ended up being a remarkable day, like so many of our days. I’m optimistic that this one will turn out all right. We are canceling any and all plans to stay home tomorrow, Stay tuned.


  1. ‘ Laurie has become a patient and accepting mother, Robin is getting stronger by the hour. ‘
    oh for once my words fail me, my heart is overfilling with joy, compassion, as tears fall from eyes.
    ‘ Laurie has become a patient and accepting mother, Robin is getting stronger by the hour. ‘
    such wondrous news.
    Get some rest Jon and Marie, many prayers from your readers will watch over mother and lamb.

  2. Better than television! I am pleased that your hard-won prior experience and Maria’s ministrations with Lori resulted in a successful restoration of her motherly instincts and Robin’s apparent recovery. Here’s hoping his tail wagging will continue for many long years. (and that your foot recovers well also)

  3. Hurray for you and Maria (and Laurie and Robin, of course). Living in the country is always an adventure, isn’t it? I’m glad you got home in time and had the experience to know what to do to give this little lamb a chance.

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