30 May

Sunday Night: Monopoly And A Seance, Simon And A Black Cat

by Jon Katz

We had all these lovely plans for being outdoors on Memorial Day Weekend Sunday, but we were rained out like many others in the U.S.

I feel badly for all those people on all those beaches.

We read, napped, wrote some, and after dinner (delicious stuff from our wonderful Farmer’s Market), we played Monopoly and decided to hold our first seance together.

Maria has been to seance’s before – she found them spooky, but this was my first. We dimmed the lights on the dining room table, lit candles, touched fingers, and closed our eyes.

We each invited the spirits of the house, the farm, the pastures, the animals to reveal themselves and show themselves to us.

I was the first to see an image; it was of our late rescue donkey Simon; he was standing outside of the dining room window, looking in pleadingly as if asking to come back.

In my mind, Simon had come from his other farm, where he nearly starved to death and was saved by the farmer’s son, who was eight, and snuck outside every night to throw him some hay.

He died of a stroke on the farm four years ago. The image was sad to see, troubling.

Simon was gone in a flash. Maria saw a black cat walking around the yard and then disappearing.  Then she saw a horse.

Then they were all gone.

We ordered an Ouija Board online; I think I am drawn to this stuff.

Oh yes, and Maria beat me yet again at Monopoly. We battled over a possible trade involving mortgages and a $500 rental fee I owed. She just wore me down.

We had a lot of fun, and the seance really intrigued me. I don’t believe in ghosts, but I very much believe in spirits, even though they might both be the same thing.


  1. From my own past experiences and what I have learned during my life, this concerns me for you and Maria. It may be interesting and exciting to contact spirits, but the fear is that you could also be inviting negative spirits/energy into your home and your lives. Please consider this carefully and seriously.

  2. I’m in total agreement with Sandy. I have had some experiences in my life that I sooner forget.

  3. You are blessed to have the rain. We in the PNW are having a heat wave, 90’s today and triple digits tomorrow. Plus the fact that we are in a drought.

  4. I agree with the others—this is something to be approached very carefully. I haven’t pursued this interest myself, but several women in my family have had positive spiritual experiences. These tend to be visitations at meaningful places or times, not prepared seances, though.

    If you are open to suggestions, a Ouija Board isn’t necessary for seeing/feeling spirits. I would recommend continuing to develop your ability to sense the spirits already around you, especially those of family members who would be interested in watching over you.

    I do not know anything about contacting animal spirits, but I’d think it would require the same kind of respect. I wish you well!

  5. Ooooh I’ve wanted to use a Quija board as well and partook in a seance many years ago. Spirits fascinate me. Very cool Jon and Maria. Knowing you two through your writings, I believe you will be cool with it.

  6. I read your posting with interest since I had never had any interest in contacting spirits. Assuming there are spirits and you can contact them, why do you want to? As I said, having never thought about it and am just curious.

  7. Jon, you have written so much recently about what you love & cherish about your life now: your love for & relationship with Maria, your health, your lovely animals, and all the growing things. Everything that makes up Bedlam Farm. And–you share that with us. You have referenced many deeply spiritual people & their writings. You say that you ‘have everything.’ Then why would you need seances & a Ouija board? I have not experienced either, but ‘using’ those things might let in some darkness. I believe that seances & a Oiuja board ‘don’t hold a candle’ to the experiences of the Christian mystics, such as Julian of Norwich or Teresa of Avila. Please give this more thought & be careful.

    1. Linda, thanks, I don’t really need a Oujia board, I’m just curious to see what its about. I gather from the messages that I need to be careful, so I will..I appreciate your concern.

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