31 July

Making My Lobster Roll

by Jon Katz

Maria and I went to Glens Falls late Friday afternoon to pick up a sewing machine that was being repaired.

We looked on our Iphones for places to eat, and found a seafood place we’d never heard of before, but which looked kind of dark and funky – only two patio chairs for people to eat on.

We love discovering new places, and up here in the country, that doesn’t happen often – we know just about every place there is. In Glens Falls, the entry town for the Adirondacks, it is still possible.

We had to drive around for a while to find it, it was off the beaten track. We could tell it was the real thing – refrigerated displays filled with fresh fish, clams, lobster, and shrimp.

There was a sense of adventure about it, the food shop was small, the smells were rich, it had a sort of 1950’s feel to it. There was nothing modern or glitzy.

The restaurant was dark and could only seat six or eight people, it was mostly a take-out place but the man inside said he would cook almost anything we wanted.

He was nice, courteous,  serious.

Maria got a shrimp salad.

We both took to the place right away – hand written signs all over the place, slogans, and fish.

The chef went back into the corner of the small shop to prepare our food, he said he was fine with my taking photographs. I loved the noir feeling of the restaurant, I could picture it in some indy movie.

He was in the sunlight, the rest of the picture not, a challenge for a black and white camera. My focus is still somewhat off, but in this case, it worked.

I liked the way my Leica focused on the chef softly and caught the menus, which is changed daily, depending on what fish are caught a hundred miles away.

The food was wonderful, the bill was more than reasonable. We took the smell of fish home with us on our clothes, the dogs were interested.

This afternoon, we’re heading to Williamstown, Mass., to see the Green Knight. On the way, I’m bringing some ice cubes to the Millers, they are hosting church in their new barn, a big day for them.



  1. Gorgeous photo and what a find. I love funky little places that serve amazing food – especially seafood.

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