9 August

A Proud Old White Farmhouse Turns Blue. Change And Rebirth

by Jon Katz

Our proud little farmhouse was built sometime in the early 1800s, and before the Civil War. In all of those years, it has been painted white, there is no sign of any other colors when we scraped the paint off of this one.

Mahlon did a wonderful job, he’s coming back later in the week to apply a second coat. It’s going to take us a while to get used to the new color, white farmhouses are almost religious artifacts around here.

But it was time for the house to turn blue a bit, to send a different message, to move to the next chapter. We have a farm, but we are not farmers, and that is an important statement to make.

We believe in change and rebirth.

It seems to me the house has more dignity and presence than before, it speaks to changing times and grace.

We get a different horse every day here right now, and it is a pleasure to meet them and take a photo of them. Today it’s Pepper.

Tonight, we’re going to sit out in front of the house for a while and try to take it in. We are very happy with the change and grateful for Mahlon, without whom this could not have happened.



  1. I love the blue house. It’s a gorgeous color and makes the house look very elegant. I also like the red doors.

  2. Looks special…stands out from the crowd and announces “I am not going anywhere. I am just getting underway “!

  3. Nice color. When I saw the white around the red front door, I couldn’t help thinking and seeing white trim around the windows and your house has beautiful wood cornices that would really stand out in white. Also all the porch posts. I know you like it as is with no change and that is the most important thing.

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