23 September

Tests, Tests, Today Cardiology, Two Weeks To Surgery

by Jon Katz

The surgery clearance process is heating up. I’ve had my blood work; today is cardiology; I’ll need an EKG and an exam. Next week, primary care and Covid-testing, pre-op checking up, and exam and final x-rays. I admit it’s kind of exciting.

I’m looking forward to this surgery; it’s time to put this foot stuff behind me.

I might have to be off my feet for a while, or maybe just a few weeks. I’ll know soon enough. I see this as a continuance of the Jon Katz restoration project; many good doctors have taken part. The day after the surgery, the sleep apnea people will show up at the farm to mask me up. If I come out of this with a healed foot and more sleep, I’ll be ahead of the game. I told the apnea people I did not wish to look like Darth Vader. They laughed.

I spoke with my therapist yesterday, and she thinks I’ve been down a bit about all of this medical stuff, which is new to me. Until my open  heart surgery, I had never been in hospital since my tonsils out when I was four. Maria agreed with her; she thinks I’ve been down as well.

I do feel myself re-bounding. I’m looking forward to exploring sophisticated photo editing with Andrew, my computer teacher, and now I’m signing up with Emily Gold to learn collage. I hope to do my appreciation cards for Army of Good donors. My first wife said, you could knock me down but never keep me down.

Maria is driving me to the cardiologist, she wants to be a part of all this clearance stuff, and I’m grateful for it. I always bring a book in case there’s a wait. If I pass the tests today, there’s probably no stopping me. Stay tuned.


  1. Jon, any kind of change can be a sort of death, one we may need to grieve. I didn’t know this until my counselor helped me to understand my own grief involved in unpacking some old beliefs and old behaviors and the subsequent altering of my perspectives. Change and its sometimes unpleasant concomitant emotions is preferable to stagnation. Rebound away! 🙂

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